
Transformational Relationship Coaching

It Only Takes One Person to Change the Dynamics in a Relationship

Relationship Success is Not Accidental.

There’s no such thing as getting “lucky” with long term relationships that work. At the surface, it may seem like relationship success is just about finding someone compatible, but sooner or later, every relationship faces difficulty.

It’s in those moments of difficulty that every partner chooses a path… compromise or control.

The good news is that it’s possible to build a successful relationship, even if you’re neck-deep in conflict.

Is Relationship Transformation Possible?

It doesn’t matter if your bags are packed and you’re about to leave…
The answer is YES, relationship transformation is possible. 

What most people don’t realize is that it only takes one person to change the dynamics in a relationship.  It has to start now and it has to start with you.

Every Relationship Has a “Dance”

Have you ever heard the statement, every relationship has a dance?

This is the predictable pattern in which both partners interact with each other and cause the following things to happen.

  • Repetitive arguments that go nowhere. 
  • Expressing your needs and having them ignored.
  • Always being the one who gives into your partner.
  • Struggling to communicate with a difficult partner. 

If you are finding predictable actions like this… then that is your relationship dance.  How to intervene is what coaching is all about.

How is Coaching Different Than Therapy?

  • Coaching is more focused on your future goals.
  • Coaches do not diagnose mental illness.
  • Coaches can work nationally and internationally.
  • Most coaching is on the phone or internet.
  • Coaches focus more on “how” (present) verses “why” (past).
  • Coaching is about taking action towards specific goals. 

Do you need a coach to help you with techniques to climb the mountain

or a therapist to get you well enough to make the climb?

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